S e t t i n g s532. Select one of the followingoptions:Continuous — The tone soundsfor as long as you press and holda key.Fixed — Used to send tones of theduration you specify in the DTMFtone length option.Off — Used to turn off tones. Notones are sent when you press akey.Set lengthYou can specify DTMF-tone lengthfor the Fixed option. In the standbymode, select Menu > Settings >Phone settings > DTMF tones >DTMF tone length > Short (0.1seconds) or Long (0.5 seconds).Memory statusYou can view the size of memoryavailable on your device. In thestandby mode, select Menu >Settings > Phone settings > Memorystatus > Size, Free memory, Usedmemory, Contacts, Gallery,Multimedia msgs., Organiser orApplications.You can view the size of memoryavailable for applicationinstallations.Start-up toneYou can select to have a start-uptone when you first turn on yourdevice. In the standby mode, selectMenu > Settings > Phone settings >Start-up tone > On or Off.Create a bannerIf your wireless service providersupports this feature, you canchoose whether the display showsthe operator logo or personalisedtext when the device is in the idlestate. In the standby mode, selectMenu > Settings > Phone settings >Banner > Default or Personalise.Help text activationYour device displays briefdescriptions for most menu items.When you arrive at a feature ormenu, pause for about 10 secondsand wait for the help text to display.If necessary, use the joystick to pagethrough the full help text.The default setting for help text isOn. However, you can turn help texton or off. In the standby mode, selectMenu > Settings > Phone settings >Help text activation > On or Off.■ Infrared activationIf supported by your wireless provider,you can send and receive contacts