"FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub SystemBasics, Management and OAM Guide"ToolsIssue: 10 3HH-11982-AAAA-TQZZA 1377 Tools7.1 Tools CLI Command Reference7.2 Tools CLI Configuration Commands7.1 Tools CLI Command ReferenceThis section shows the following command hierarchies:• Tools Dump Commands• Tools Perform Commands7.1.1 Tools Dump Commandstools— dump— eth-ring clear— lag lag-id lag-id— persistence— submgt— summary— router [router-instance]— fib— jumbo-frame— non-protocol-counter— protocol-counter— ldp— fec prefix ip-prefix/mask— fec vc-type {ethernet | vlan} vc-id vc-id— instance— interface [ip-int-name | ip-address]— memory-usage— peer ip-address— session [ip-addr[:label-space] [connection | peer | adjacency]— sockets— timers— mpls— ftn [endpoint endpoint | sender sender | nexthop nexthop | lsp-id lsp-id |tunnel-id tunnel-id | label start-label end-label]— ilm [endpoint endpoint | sender sender | nexthop nexthop | lsp-id lsp-id |tunnel-id tunnel-id | label start-label end-label]— lspinfo— memory-usage— ospf ospf-instance— abr [detail]— asbr [detail]— bad-packet interface-name— leaked-routes [summary | detail]— memory-usage [detail]— request-list [neighbor ip-address] [detail]— request-list virtual-neighbor ip-address area-id area-id [detail]— retransmission-list [neighbor ip-address] [detail]— retransmission-list virtual-neighbor ip-address area-id area-id [detail]— route-summary— route-table [type] [detail]— ospf3 ospf-instance— abr [detail]