5208 Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference GuideYou can create IP clusters by combining flash-based platforms other than the IP2250 with disk-based or different flash-based models. For example, the following combinations are valid: flash-based IP1260, disk-based IP1260, IP380 two flash-based IP1260 platforms IP385, IP380, IP265This list provides examples only. There are many other combinations that you can use to createclusters.Example ClusterThe following diagram shows a cluster with two nodes, firewall A and firewall B. The clusterbalances inbound and outbound network traffic between the nodes. If an internal or externalinterface on one of the nodes fails, or if a node itself fails, the existing connections handled bythe failed node are not dropped—the other node processes them. The other node continues tofunction and handle all of the traffic for the cluster.Routers connected to an IPSO cluster must have appropriate static routes to pass traffic to thecluster. In this example:InternetFirewall A Firewall B192.168.1.0192.168.2.0 Secondary Cluster ProtocolNetwork: IP: 10)ExternalRouterPrimary Cluster ProtocolNetwork: IP: Network(Secured Network)InternalRouterInternalNetwork