Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide 6570bb91fa4688d417bf72a0bca572c7e4e16, name=15:10:12.549898 IB1:response,value=dd379d2b5e692b6afef2bee361e32bca, name=User15:10:12.549968 O B1: success15:10:12.550039 O B1: ppp-ipcp: conf_req (addr)15:10:12.557258 I B1: ppp-ipcp: conf_req (addr)15:10:12.557300 O B1: ppp-ipcp: conf_ack (addr)15:10:12.559629 I B1: ppp-ipcp: conf_ack (addr)15:10:12.573896 I B1: > icmp: echo request15:10:12.574017 O B1: > icmp: echo replyISDN TroubleshootingLoggingISDN sends messages to the system message log. Whether a message is sent to the log or notdepends on the logging setting of the ISDN interface. Log messages are of one of the followinglevels of severity. Error—an error condition occurred Warning—a warning condition Informational—a normal event of noteSetting a logging to a particular level means all messages of this severity and higher are sent tothe message log. For example, if you set logging to Error, all error messages are sent to themessage log.ISDN logs messages for the following informational events: ISDN Layer 1 protocol activated or deactivated Expiration of Layer 1, Layer 2, and Layer 3 timers An attempted outgoing call An incoming call being received A call being connected A call being disconnectedTo set level of messages logged1. Click Interfaces under Configuration > Interface Configuration in the tree view.2. Click the physical interface link to configure in the Physical column.Example: isdn-s2p13. From the pull-down menu in the Logging field, select the level of messages for ISDN to log.All messages of this level and below are sent to the message log.To view the message log1. Click Monitor on the home page.2. Click the View Message Log link under the System logs heading.