Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide 8719. Click the logical interface name in the Interface column of the Logical interfaces table to gothe Interface page.20. Enter the IP address for the local end of the PVC in the Local address text box.21. Enter the IP address of the remote end of the PVC in the Remote address text box.Click Apply.22. (Optional) Change the interfaces logical name to a more meaningful name by typing thepreferred name in the Logical name text box.23. Click Apply.24. Click Save to make your changes permanent.Serial Interface ExampleThis section describes how you might configure the interfaces of your IP security platform in anexample network, using Network Voyager.The following figure shows the network configuration for this example.In a company’s main office, Nokia Platform A terminates a serial line to an Internet serviceprovider, running PPP with a keepalive value of 10.Nokia Platform A also provides Internet access for a FDDI ring and a remote branch officeconnected through ATM PVC 93.Nokia Platform ANokia Platform Batm-s1p1c52 ( ( ( ( ( ServerATMSwitch