12494 Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference GuideThe following table shows examples of the iclid show command.Preventing Full Log Buffers and Related ConsoleMessagesWhen a significant amount of your traffic is using fast path for delay-critical, real-time routingthrough the firewall, the console might display one of the following error messages:[LOG-CRIT] kernel: FW-1: Log Buffer is full[LOG-CRIT] kernel: FW-1: lost 500 log/trap messagesThe kernel module maintains a buffer of waiting log messages that it forwards through fwd tothe management module. The buffer is circular, so that high logging volumes can cause bufferentries to be overwritten before they are sent to fwd. When this happens, the system log displaysthe following message:log records lostThe lost records are those that should have been recorded in the FW-1 log message file (typicallylocated in the $FWDIR/log directory).You can use one or both of the following solutions to resolve this issue: Reduce the number of rules that are logged by: Disabling as many accounting rules as possible Changing as many long logging rules to short logging as possible Eliminating logging entirely if it is practical to do so Increase the size of the kernel module buffervrrp VRRP state information.interface VRRP interfaces and associated information.stats VRRP transmission and reception statistics.iclid show command Showsshow ospf OSPF summary information.show ospf neighbor (s o n) OSPF neighbor information.show route All routes.show route bgp 127 Only BGP routes that start with 127.show b? All possible command completions for show b.