Your Nokia N91 8GB16 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Volume and loudspeaker controlTo increase or decrease the volume level, when you havean active call or are listening to a sound, press and holdor on the left side of the device.The built-in loudspeaker allows you to speak and listen tothe phone from a short distance without having to holdthe phone to your ear, for example, having it on a tablenearby. Sound applications use the loudspeaker bydefault.Warning: Listen to music at a moderate level.Continuous exposure to high volume may damage yourhearing. Do not hold the device near your ear when theloudspeaker is in use, because the volume may beextremely loud.To locate the loudspeaker, see ‘Keys and parts’ in theQuick start guide.To use the loudspeaker during a call, start a call, and selectOptions > Activate loudsp..To turn off the loudspeaker when you have an active callor are listening to a sound, select Options > Activatehandset.Before connecting a device other than original Nokiaheadphones to the headphone connector of your NokiaN91, adjust the volume level to less than half to preventsound distortion or damage to the external device. Thenyou can readjust the volume to the appropriate level.With some headsets you can only adjust the volume withthe volume keys of the headset. If you use the volume keysof the device, the volume changes only after you detachthe headset.File managerMany features of the phone use memory to store data.These features include contacts, messages, images, ringingtones, calendar and to-do notes, documents, anddownloaded applications. The free memory availabledepends on how much data is already saved in the phonememory.To browse files and folders in the device memory or harddrive, press , and select Tools > File mgr.. Scroll rightto view the hard drive contents.To move or copy files to a folder, press and press thejoystick at the same time to mark a file, and select Options> Move to folder or Copy to folder.Many different file formats can be opened directly fromFile manager. However, to get the full functionality youshould open the file in the corresponding application, notin File manager.