Office83Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Set base currency and exchange ratesBefore you can make currency conversions, you need tochoose a base currency and add exchange rates. The rateof the base currency is always 1. The base currencydetermines the conversion rates of the other currencies.1 Select Converter > Options > Currency rates. A list ofcurrencies opens, and you can see the current basecurrency at the top.Tip! To rename a currency, go to the currency ratesview, scroll to the currency, and select Options >Rename currency.2 To change the base currency, scroll to the currency, andselect Options > Set as base curr..3 Add exchange rates. Scroll to the currency, and enter anew rate, that is, how many units of the currency equalone unit of the base currency you have selected.After you have inserted all the necessary exchange rates,you can make currency conversions.Note: When you change base currency, you mustenter the new rates because all previously set exchangerates are set to zero.NotesTo write notes, press , and select Office > Notes. Youcan send notes to compatible devices, and save plain textfiles (.txt format) that you receive to Notes.