Messaging43Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Your device supports the sending of text messages beyondthe character limit for a single message. Longer messageswill be sent as a series of two or more messages. Yourservice provider may charge accordingly. Characters thatuse accents or other marks, and characters from somelanguage options like Chinese, take up more space limitingthe number of characters that can be sent in a singlemessage. In the navigation bar, you can see the messagelength indicator counting backwards. For example, 10 (2)means that you can still add 10 characters for the text tobe sent as two messages.E-mail messages are automatically placed in Outboxbefore sending. If sending does not succeed, the e-mail isleft in the Outbox.Tip! In Messaging you can also create presentationsand send them in a multimedia message. In themultimedia message editor view, select Options >Create presentation (shown only if MMS creationmode is set to Guided or Free). See ‘Multimediamessages’, p. 50.Tip! When you send a multimedia message to ane-mail address or a device that supports the receivingof large images, use the larger image size. If you are notsure of the receiving device, or the network does notsupport sending large files, it is recommended that youuse a smaller image size or a sound clip that is nolonger than 15 seconds. To change the setting, selectOptions > Settings > Multimedia message > Imagesize in the Messaging main view.Note: The indicators showing that themessage has been sent indicate that themessage has been sent by your device to themessage center number programmed into your device.This is not an indication that the message has beenreceived at the intended destination. For more detailsabout messaging services, check with your serviceprovider.Receive MMS and e-mail settingsYou may receive the settings in a text message from yournetwork operator or service provider. See ‘Data andsettings’, p. 44.For availability of and subscription to data services,contact your network operator or service provider. Followthe instructions given by your service provider.Enter the MMS settings manually:1 Press , and select Tools > Settings > Connection >Access points, and define the settings for amultimedia messaging access point. See ‘Connection’,p. 103.2 Press , and select Messaging > Options >Settings > Multim. msg. > Access point in use and