A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 103Establishing Billing Records “Mirroring” {Bill Record Mirroring}The Access Gateway can send copies of credit card transaction and PMS billing records toexternal servers that have been previously defined by system administrators. The AccessGateway assumes control of billing transmissions and saving billing records. By “mirroring”the billing data, theAccess Gateway can also send copies of billing records to predefined“carbon copy” servers. Additionally, if the primary and secondary servers are down, theAccess Gateway can store up to 2,000 credit card transaction records. When a connection is re-established (with either server), the Access Gateway sends the stored information to theserver—no records are lost!For more information about the bill record mirroring feature, go to “Mirroring BillingRecords” on page 355.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration, then Bill RecordMirroring. The Credit Card/PMS Mirroring Settings screen appears: