A CCESS G ATEWAY10 IntroductionBandwidth ManagementThe NSE optimizes bandwidth by limiting bandwidth usage symmetrically or asymmetricallyon a per device (MAC address / User) basis, and manages the WAN Link traffic to providecomplete bandwidth management over the entire network. You can ensure that every user has aquality experience by placing a bandwidth ceiling on each device accessing the network, soevery user gets a fair share of the available bandwidth.With the Nomadix ICC feature enabled, subscribers can increase or decrease their ownbandwidth and pricing plans for their service dynamically.Billing Records MirroringNSE-powered devices can send copies of credit card billing records (and optionally, PMS) toexternal servers that have been previously defined by system administrators. The NSE assumescontrol of billing transmissions and the saving of billing records. By effectively “mirroring”the billing data, the NSE can send copies of billing records to predefined “carbon copy”servers. Additionally, if the primary and secondary servers are not responding, the NSE canstore up to 2,000 billing records. The NSE regularly attempts to connect with the primary andsecondary severs. When a connection is re-established (with either server), the NSE sends thecached information to the server. Customers can be confident that their billing information issecure and that no transaction records are lost.Bridge ModeThis feature allows complete and unconditional access to devices. When Bridge Mode isenabled, your NSE-powered product is effectively transparent to the network in which it islocated.Information and Control Console (ICC)Bandwidth selection (pull down)