A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 151The numbers must be entered in the form of a “telephone number” which the selectedPMS will interpret.11. If desired, enable Syslog PMS communications.12. Click on the Submit button to save your changes and restart the serial interface, or clickon the Reset button if you want to reset all the values to their previous state.Setting Up Port Locations {Port-Location}Port-Location allows you to establish the mode of operation for devices.If the “phone number” field required by the PMS is shorter than 15 characters,only the first required number of characters will be supplied.Based on the HOBIC interface standards, Nomadix, Inc. has also certifiedinteroperability with a number of other PMS and call accounting solutions suchas Ramesys’ ImagInn, Xeta Virtual XL, and Hilton’s proprietary standard OnQ.This development effort is on-going. For an up-to-date list of supported PMSsystems, please contact our Technical Support team. Refer to “Technical Support”on page 365.