A CCESS GATEWAYInstalling the Access Gateway 67Please enter a number from the above list [ 1]:Select Network Interface Configuration Mode:0 - Static1 - DHCP Client2 - PPPoE ClientSelect the Network Interface Configuration Mode [0]:Enter network interface IP [ ]:Enter subnet mask [ ]:Enter default gateway IP [ ]:Please enter your ISO country code [US]: USPlease enter your phone country code [1]: 1Please enter your calling area code [818]: 818Please enter your network SSID/Zone [ ]: samplezonenameThe system must be reset to function properly. Reboot? [yes/no]: yYour new settings are displayed and the Access Gateway reboots. When the systemrestarts, the Telnet interface is enabled (based on your new configuration settings whichare saved to the Access Gateway’s on-board flash memory).Go to “Logging Out and Powering Down the System” on page 67.Logging Out and Powering Down the SystemUse this procedure to log out and power down the Access Gateway.1. Enter l (logout) at the Access Gateway Menu. Your serial session closes automatically.2. Turn off the Access Gateway and disconnect the power cord.3. Disconnect the serial cable between the Access Gateway and your computer.Connecting the Access Gateway to the Customer’s NetworkUse this procedure to connect the Access Gateway to the customer’s network (after the start upconfiguration parameters have been established).Start up configuration is now complete; however, before connecting the AccessGateway to the customer’s network, you must power down the system.