Copyright © 2019 Nortek Security & Control LLC 61may be installed. Typically, auxiliary alarms are setto sound for an unlimited amount of time.Choose one of these options:» † 4 Minutes: The alarm siren shuts OFF after 4minutes.» 8 Minutes: The alarm siren shuts OFF after 8minutes.» 12 Minutes: The alarm siren shuts OFF after 12minutes.» 16 Minutes: The alarm siren shuts OFF after 16minutes.» Unlimited Time: The alarm siren must be shut OFFmanually.Q42: Trouble doesn’t sound at nightPrevents audible trouble alerts from waking users duringnighttime hours. When this feature is turned ON, audibletrouble alerts are suppressed between the preconfiguredhours of 10:00 PM - 9:00 AM. This setting does notsuppress any other trouble alert features. The systemwill continue to display trouble alert messages on thetouchscreen. It will also continue to transmit trouble reportsto the Central Station, as well as to log trouble alerts in thesystem’s Alarm History.If the reported trouble condition clears on its own or auser acknowledges the condition(s) on the Control Panelbefore 9:00 AM, no trouble tones will sound after 9:00 AM.However, the trouble condition is recorded in the system’sAlarm History.Choose one of these options:» † Enabled: Turns the feature ON.» ‡ Disabled: Turns the feature OFF. For compliancewith UL 985: Household Fire Warning System Units,this setting must be disabled.Q43: Z-Wave siren modeConfigures the system to sound any Z-Wave sirens thathave been added to the network.Choose one of the options:» † Sound for Burglary and Fire/CO: Configures thesystem to sound any connected Z-Wave sirensduring a burglary, fire, or CO alarm.» Sound for Burglary Only: Configures the system tosound any connected Z-Wave sirens during burglaryalarms only.Q44: Open collector #1 outputDefines output mode for the external device connected tothe OCL1 position of the GC3 Panel’s terminal block. See“Control Panel Wiring Diagram.”NOTE: For compliance with ANSI/SIA CP-01-2010, youmust set Open Collector Output #1 to 11 - Follows InternalSounder Alarm.NOTE: If you enabled a keyfob auxiliary button to triggerthe GC3 Control Panel’s Open Collector #1, make sure thisquestion is set to 00 Disabled, “Program a Keyfob.”Choose one of these options:Q45: Open collector #2 outputDefines the output mode for the external device connectedto the OCL2 position of the GC3 Panel’s terminal block.See “Control Panel Wiring Diagram.”NOTE: The factory default setting for Open CollectorOutput #2 is 00-Disabled.Choose on of these options: