Copyright © 2019 Nortek Security & Control LLC66System Confi guration ReferenceWhen programming wireless and wired zones, as well askeyfobs and keypads, installers are required to chooseoptions for a variety of settings. This topic describes eachsetting and its available options.Sensor Programming ReferenceRequired for all wired and wireless zones.Sensor TypesSensor Type Description(00) Unused This is the setting for unused sensornumbers that do not have a sensorprogrammed into them. No system actionoccurs at any time from this sensor type.(01) Exit/Entry 1 This sensor type is reserved for doorsthat are used for exit and entry of theprotected premises. When the systemis armed in the Stay or Away mode, theexit delay timer starts. There is an exitdelay regardless of whether the system isarmed in Stay or Away mode. When theexit delay timer expires, the system is fullyarmed.With the system fully armed, when thistype of sensor is triggered, the EntryDelay 1 timer starts. The system must bedisarmed before the Entry Delay 1 timerexpires, or an alarm will occur.If the entry delay timer is turned OFFduring arming, the exit/entry delay sensorswill act as non-delayed instant sensors atthe end of the exit delay.(02) Exit/Entry 2 This sensor type operates the same asthe Exit/Entry 1 sensor type except thatit starts the Entry Delay 2 timer. Thisprovides a method of having a longerentry delay on certain openings, such as agarage door, to provide the end user moretime to disarm the system.(03) Perimeter This sensor type is for perimeter doorsand windows that will not be used to enteror exit the protected premises while thesystem is armed. An instant alarm willoccur when this type of sensor is triggeredwith the system armed in either the Stayor Away mode.(04) InteriorFollowerThis sensor type is for interior sensors,such as motion detectors, interior doors,and other sensors that detect humanpresence inside the protected premises.This type of sensor is called a “follower”due to its action when the system isarmed. in the Away mode. After the exitdelay expires and the system is armed,if an interior follower sensor is triggered,an instant alarm will occur. If an exit/entrydelay sensor is triggered first, the interiorfollower sensor will also be delayed.Interior follower sensors are alwaysbypassed and not active when the systemis armed in Stay mode. This allowsthe premises to be occupied while stillprotecting the perimeter.(05) Day Zone This sensor type is the same as aperimeter zone, except that when thesystem is disarmed, a violation displaysa trouble alert on the Console’s display.This type of sensor is commonly usedto protect sensitive areas that requirenotification and possibly a Central Stationtrouble report, but not an alarm when thesystem is disarmed.(06) 24-HourSilent AlarmThis sensor type is active independent ofthe system arming status. The code forsilent panic is sent to the Central Station,but for safety, there are no visual oraudible indications locally that this sensortype has been triggered.(07) 24-HourAudible AlarmThis sensor type is continuously armed24-hours-a-day. A sensor programmedto this type will trigger a local alarm andthe bell output regardless of the mode thesystem is in. This sensor type is typicallyused for an audible panic alarm.(08) 24-HourAuxiliary AlarmThis sensor type is continuously armed24-hour-a-day. A sensor programmed tothis type will trigger an alarm regardless ofthe mode the system is in. The bell outputwill not activate, but the local sounder willcontinue until it is acknowledged at theControl Panel. This sensor type is typicallyused for a monitoring device, such asa flood or temperature sensor. There isno time out for the internal sounds; it willcontinue until a user code is entered.