Troubleshooting RADIUS authentication 27Integrating authentication serviceThis section explains the steps to integrate various authentication services.The first time you start the Internet Authentication Service manager youwill have to register the IAS in the Active Directory to allow the integrationto happen.Integrating authentication service navigation• “Adding a new RADIUS client” (page 27)• “Configuring new Remote Access Policy” (page 28)• “Arranging the order of the Remote Access Policies” (page 33)• “Adding new users and changing existing users” (page 33)• “Registering the IAS in the Active Directory” (page 34)• “Adding a new RADIUS client that uses the IAS ” (page 35)Adding a new RADIUS clientThis section explains the steps to add a new RADIUS client to the server.Procedure stepsStep Action1 From the Action menu bar, select Register Service in ActiveDirectory.2 In the tree view, right click on Clients and select New Client.Add client dialog box appears.3 Enter the RADIUS client friendly name.4 Click Next to continue.Add RADIUS client dialog box appears.Nortel VPN GatewayTroubleshooting GuideNN46120-700 01.01 Standard12 October 2007Copyright © 2007 Nortel Networks.