Getting help through a Nortel distributor or reseller 65Setup Utility When turning on a VPN Gatewaythe very first time, the Setup utilitystarts up automatically. The Setuputility is used for performing a basicconfiguration of the VPN Gateway.The Setup utility first presents you withthe choice of setting up the NVG asa single device, or to add the VPNGateway to an existing cluster.If you perform a reinstallation of theNVG software, you must also enter theSetup Utility after the VPN Gatewayhas rebooted.SIP (Source IP) Address The source IP address of a frame.Slave A VPN Gateway that depends on amaster VPN Gateway in the samecluster for proper configuration.SNMP (Simple NetworkManagement Protocol)A network monitoring and controlprotocol. Data is passed from SNMPagents, which are hardware and/orsoftware processes reporting activity ineach network device (a VPN Gateway,for example), to the workstationconsole (or SNMP manager) usedto oversee the network. The SNMPagents return information containedin a MIB (Management InformationBase), which is a data structure thatdefines what information is obtainablefrom the device.SOCKS A generic, proxy protocol forTCP/IP-based networking applications.The SOCKS protocol provides aflexible framework for developingsecure communications by easilyintegrating other security technologies,for example, SSL. SOCKS includestwo components, the SOCKSserver and the SOCKS client. TheSOCKS server is implemented at theapplication layer, while the SOCKSclient is implemented between theapplication and transport layers. Thebasic purpose of the protocol is toenable hosts on one side of a SOCKSserver to gain access to hosts on theother side of a SOCKS server, withoutrequiring direct IP reachability.Nortel VPN GatewayTroubleshooting GuideNN46120-700 01.01 Standard12 October 2007Copyright © 2007 Nortel Networks.