64 GlossaryPKI (public key infrastructure) Short for public key infrastructure, asystem of digital certificates, CertificateAuthorities, and other registrationauthorities that verify and authenticatethe validity of each party involved in anInternet transaction. PKIs are currentlyevolving and there is no single PKI noreven a single agreed-upon standardfor setting up a PKI. However, nearlyeveryone agrees that reliable PKIs arenecessary before electronic commercecan become widespread. A PKI is alsocalled a trust hierarchy.Portal The Portal web page is displayedfollowing a successful login to a VPNserver of the portal type. The Portalcontains different tabs from wherethe user can access various intranetresources such as web, mail, and fileservers.Portal Guard The Portal Guard feature is an easyway of “converting” an existing HTTPsite to generate HTTPS links, securecookies etc. The VPN Gateway willnot only handle the SSL processingbut also see to it that all existing weblinks are rewritten to HTTPS. Thiseliminates the need to rewrite eachlink manually.Port Forwarder Java applet accessible on the Portalpage’s Advanced tab, enablingtransparent access to applicationsthrough a secure connection. Byspecifying an arbitrary port numberon the client along with the desiredintranet host and port number,the user can access an intranetapplication by connecting to localhoston the specified port number.Secure Service Partitioning Feature designed to partition a clusterof VPN Gateways into separate VPNs.The idea is to give service providers(ISPs) the possibility to host multipleVPN customers on a shared RemoteAccess Services (RAS) platform.Nortel VPN GatewayTroubleshooting GuideNN46120-700 01.01 Standard12 October 2007Copyright © 2007 Nortel Networks.