7.IntroductionThis chapter describes the prerequisites and various tools used totroubleshoot the Nortel VPN Gateway (NVG). Use the troubleshootingtools to enhance overall performance, resolve error messages, andincrease response time for a specific feature.Each tool is described by purpose, usage procedures, and how to interpretthe output.PrerequisitesNortel recommends you to use one or more of the following commerciallyavailable troubleshooting tools as well as the tools described in thisdocument.• Capture and analyze HTTP and HTTPS with the HTTP Analyzer fromIE Inspector http://www.ieinspector.com/• Capture and analyze HTTP and HTTPS with Tamper Data, a plug-inavailable for Mozilla Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/966• Display the time to load Web pages with Faster Fox, a plug-in availablefor Mozilla Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1269• Capture and analyze packets with either Sniffer or Wireshark fromNetwork General http://www.wireshark.org/ and http://www.networkgeneral.com/Navigation• “Troubleshooting Fundamentals” (page 9)• “Global troubleshooting tasks” (page 13)• “Feature-specific troubleshooting tasks” (page 17)• “Troubleshooting authentication tasks” (page 25)• “Emergency Recovery Trees” (page 49)Nortel VPN GatewayTroubleshooting GuideNN46120-700 01.01 Standard12 October 2007Copyright © 2007 Nortel Networks.