120 VLAN advanced configurationNN47928-500NN47928-500MSTP VLAN mapping configuration parametersThe VLAN mapping table contains one entry for each instance of MSTP.Admin Status Specifies the administrative status of the port.Select Enabled to enable the admin status of the port.Select Disabled to disable the admin status of the port.Set the admin status of the port to override the status of the port in any ofthe MSTI contexts.The default value is Enabled.Priority Type the port priority value. Priority refers to the 4 most significant bits ofthe port identifier.The value ranges from 0 to 240.The values for port priority must be in steps of 16.The default value is 128.Path Cost Type the path cost associated with the port.Protocol Migration Select this check box to control migration among MSTP, RSTP, and STPprotocols if the other side of the switch runs a different mode.Migration takes place only if this is selected.Edge Port Admin Status Specifies the administrative status of the edge port.Select Enabled to enable the admin status of the edge port.Select Disabled to disable the admin status of the edge port.The default value is Disabled.Edge Port Oper Status Specifies the operational status of the edge port admin status. The valueof this field depends on the Edge Port Admin Status.If the Edge Port Admin Status is Enabled then this field is automatically setto True. This value takes effect only when you shut down and restart theport.If the Edge Port Admin Status is Disabled then this field is automaticallyset to False. This value takes effect only when you shut down and restartthe port.Point to Point Link Select the administrative point-to-point status of the LAN segmentattached to the port. Select one of the following options:• Force True - indicates that this port is always treated as if it isconnected to a point-to-point link.• Force False - indicates that this port is treated as having a sharedmedia connection.• Auto - indicates that this port is considered to have a point-to-point linkif it is an Aggregator and all of its members are aggregatable, or if theMAC entity is configured for full- duplex operation, either through autonegotiation or by management means.The default value is Auto.Hello Time (Seconds) Type the amount of time between the transmission of the configurationBPDUs. This variable is measured in units of hundredths of a second.Auto Edge Detection Specifies the Auto Edge Detection status.Select Enabled to dynamically calculate the edge port status.Select Disabled to disable the feature.The default value is Disabled.Variable Value