190 SIP advanced configurationNN47928-500NN47928-500Provisioning users configuration parametersThe following section describes the parameters for the configuration of SIP users located atConfiguration, SIP, User Provisioning tab.Variable definitionsThe following table describes the variables and values for configuring subscriber information.Variable ValueUser Name Type the subscriber name.The maximum number of characters is 100.Domain Type the domain name of the subscriber.The maximum number of characters is 32.Alias Type the alias name of the subscriber.The maximum number of characters is 100. You can configure the aliasonly when Allow Dynamic Subscriber Addition is enabled. You can setAllow Dynamic Subscriber Addition in Registrar Configuration under SIPProtocol.In backup mode, SIP alias works for static subscribers only.Display Name Type the display name for the subscriber.The maximum number of characters is 100.Identity Displays the SIP identity of the subscriber.This field appears after you add a user.Contacts Displays the contact information of the subscriber.This fields appears after you add a user.