158 of 202 Integrated Network Management Broadband Release 4.1 Engineering ConsiderationsIntegrated Network Management Broadband Release 4.1 PG OC 98-13 Issue 1.2Table 32. INM 4.1 SONET MOA Engineering Limits1. The actual memory consumption might be less for a smaller network.SONET_MOA_PSC 1The SONET_MOA_PSC works like a gateway between the ProtectionControl on the Element Controller and the FMBB_PSC (Protection ControlBuilding Block).The SONET_MOA_PSC is co-located with the INM GUI software. The costof running the SONET_MOA_PSC is estimated to one GUI user. Thefollowing table gives the engineering limits for this component.Table 33. INM 4.1 SONET_MOA_PSC Engineering Limits1. The actual memory consumption might be less for a smaller network.Building BlocksBuilding Blocks Engineering RulesThe Building Blocks are functional units that can be installed and activatedseparately. A typical set of Building Blocks is one of each functional type,INM Release 4.1 delivers: Fault Management, Resource Management,Connection Management, Performance Management and Protection Control.Maximum Number of SONET MOAs per workstation 1Memory Required (MB) 70 1Number of Clients supported 2 FMBBs2 RMBBs2 CMBBs2 PMBBsNumber of NEs supported 10,000Number of Alarms supported 10,000Number of Rings supported 4801The SONET_MOA_PSC is really the MOA required for the Protection Control Building Block(FMBB_PSC).Maximum Number of SONET_MOA_PSCs perworkstation1Memory Required (MB) 40 1Number of Clients supported 2 FMBB_PSCs