192 of 202 Ordering InformationINM Broadband Release 4.1 PG OC 98-13 Issue 1.21c INM Resource Management CIRTUThe Resource Management Building Block (RMBB) provides contracts for dis-covering managed NEs, discovering network element inventory, and provision-ing termination points.These contracts provide the ability to obtain an accurate view of the equipmentpresent in the network, the ability to verify the hardware baseline before under-taking an upgrade, and the ability to modify termination points attributes.INM STS Connection Manage-ment CI RTUThe Connection Management Building Block (CMBB) provides connectionprovisioning and connection inventory capabilities, as well as the ability toquery BLSR connectivity and receive autonomous notification of changes.It also provides consolidated bandwidth provisioning and connection inventorycapabilities.The CMBB can be used to query, modify, create and delete dynamic STS-1channel layer connection management information.INM Protection Status & Con-trol CI RTUThe INM Broadband Protection Status & Control CI RTU is part of the FMBB,and provides the user with the capability to query Protection Status Informationand to issue Protection Switching commands through the FMBB ContractInterfaces.INM PM Threshold Provision-ing CI RTUThe INM Broadband PM Threshold Provisioning CI RTU is part of the PMBB,and provides the user with the capability to query and modify PM ThresholdParameters through the PMBB Contract Interfaces.3 INM Internal Users RTU X Terminal connections will allow simultaneous multi-user access to INMBroadband.INM External Telco Users RTU X Terminal connections will allow simultaneous multi-user access to INMBroadband.Sets Product Feature Description