56 of 202 INM 4.1 New Feature DescriptionINM Broadband Release 4.1 PG OC 98-13 Issue 1.2Alarm List GUI EnhancementsSeveral GUI enhancements are being introduced in INM Broadband Release4.1:• Alarm dialog resizing:- The old Detailed Alarms dialog has been modified (shown inFigure 16 on page 57) and is resizable in INM Broadband Release 4.1.The user can resize the upper or lower part of the dialog by draggingthe horizontal boundary line. The heights of the lists that are displayedin both parts are updated accordingly.- The user can also resize the whole Alarms Dialog. When the dialogis resized, the list in the upper and lower parts are resized accordingly.Therefore the ratio between the upper and lower part sizes are pre-served after resizing is performed. Figure 18 on page 58 shows aresized Alarms Dialog.• Updating modes:- The old “Display Options” and “List Options” are replaced by the“Update Alarms” section (Figure 16 on page 57). This new area con-tains:- the Auto-refresh check button. If this button is checked, thenany new incoming alarm from the displayed NEs will be imme-diately displayed in the list. When this button is switched fromunchecked to checked, the alarm list is updated, if needed at thattime.- the Manual Refresh action button. When pressed, it pro-vokes the update of the alarm list with all the alarms receivedfrom the displayed NEs, since the last manual update. This but-ton is disabled if the Auto-refresh button is checked or if nonew alarm has arrived since the last manual update.