Working with Items in Your Mailbox 41novdocx (en) 6 April 2007Checking the Status of an Item1 Right-click an item in your Mailbox or Calendar, then click Properties.The icons next to an item can also give you helpful status information. See “Icons Appearing Nextto Items in Your Mailbox and Calendar” on page 20.Saving the Status Information of an Item1 Right-click an item, then click Properties.2 Click File > Save As.GroupWise gives the item a temporary filename. You can change the filename and defaultfolder to save the file.3 Click Save.Printing the Status Information of an Item1 Right-click an item, then click Properties.2 Right-click in the Properties window, then click Print.3.4.6 Requesting a Reply for Items You Send1 To request a reply for one item, open an item view, click the Send Options tab, then clickGeneral.orTo request a reply for all items you send, click Tools > Options, then click Send.2 Click Reply requested, then specify when you want to receive the reply.The recipient sees next to the message. If you select When Convenient, “Reply Requested:When convenient” appears at the top of the message. If you select Within x Days, “ReplyRequested: By xx/xx/xx” appears at the top of the message.3 Click OK.3.5 Managing Received ItemsGroupWise stores all the mail messages, appointments, and other items you receive in yourMailbox.From your Mailbox, you can read items, reply to items, and forward items you’ve received. You canorganize items by creating a checklist. You can delegate tasks and appointments to other users. Youcan handle unwanted Internet e-mail with Junk Mail Handling. You can even change an item, suchas a mail message, to another type of item, such as an appointment.This section contains the following topics: Section 3.5.1, “Reading Items You Receive,” on page 42 Section 3.5.2, “Replying to Items You Receive,” on page 44 Section 3.5.3, “Forwarding Items to Other Users,” on page 45 Section 3.5.4, “Creating a Checklist,” on page 45