Managing Your Mailbox 95novdocx (en) 6 April 2007Table 6-9 User Rights6.7.3 Adding and Removing Proxy Names and Rights in YourAccess List1 Click Tools > Options.orOn a Macintosh, click GroupWise > Preferences.2 Click Security, then click the Proxy Access tab.3 To add a user to the list, type the name in the Name box, then when the full name appears, clickAdd User.4 Click a user in the Access List.5 Select the rights you want to give to the user.6 Repeat Steps 4-5 to assign rights to each user in the Access List.You can select All User Access in the Access List and assign rights to all users in the AddressBook. For example, if you want all users to have rights to read your mail, you would assignRead rights to All User Access.7 To delete a user from the Access List, click the user, then click Remove User.8 Click OK.6.7.4 Managing Someone Else’s Mailbox or CalendarBefore you can act as a proxy for someone, that person must give you proxy rights in his or herAccess List in Options. The amount of access you have depends on the rights you have been given.1 If you haven’t already done so, add the username of the person to your Proxy List.See “Adding and Removing Users in Your Proxy List” on page 96.This right Lets your proxy do thisRead Read items you receive. Proxies cannot see your Contacts folder with this orany other proxy right.Write Create and send items in your name, including applying your signature (if youhave one defined). Change the subject of items and perform checklist optionson items.Subscribe to myalarmsReceive the same alarms you receive. Receiving alarms is supported only ifthe proxy is on the same post office you are.Subscribe to mynotificationsReceive notification when you receive items. Receiving notifications issupported only if the proxy is on the same post office you are.Modify options/folders Change the options in your Mailbox. The proxy can edit any of your Optionssettings, including the access given to other users. If the proxy also has Mailrights, he or she can create or modify folders.Read items markedPrivateRead the items you marked Private. If you don’t give a proxy Private rights,all items marked Private in your Mailbox are hidden from that proxy.