Managing Your Mailbox 77novdocx (en) 6 April 2007This section contains the following topics: Section 6.3.1, “Managing Contacts,” on page 77 Section 6.3.2, “Managing Groups,” on page 77 Section 6.3.3, “Managing Resources,” on page 78 Section 6.3.4, “Managing Organizations,” on page 78 Section 6.3.5, “Changing the Display Name of a Contact,” on page 796.3.1 Managing ContactsEach contact in the Contacts folder is marked with the Contact icon. When you double-click acontact, the contact item view displays.The following table explains the purpose of each tab on the contact item view.Table 6-1 Contact Tabs6.3.2 Managing GroupsEach group in the Contacts folder is marked with the Group icon. When you double-click agroup, the group item view displays.Tab PurposeContact Use this page to enter the contact’s name, multiple e-mail addresses, andmultiple phone numbers, and multiple instant messaging IDs.Click the Display drop-down list to select how you want the name to display inName Completion. You can select Last, First, First Last, or you can specify anydisplay name you choose. When you want to address an item to this contact,type the display name in an address field (To, CC, BC) of the item.If you double-click an e-mail address on the Contact page, a new mail view isopened, addressed to this contact.You can specify multiple phone numbers. Select the option button of the defaultphone number.Office Use this page to enter the contact’s title, department, organization, companyaddress, mail stop, and company Web site.Type an organization name. If it is already in your address book, NameCompletion fills in the name. If the organization name is not already in youraddress book, the name you enter is added to your address book. Use the arrowbutton to add more information to the organization.Click the Web site button to launch a browser and go to the Web site.Personal Use this page to enter the contact’s home address, and personal Web site.Click the Web site button to launch a browser and go to the Web site.Comments Use this page to type information about your interaction with this contact. You caninsert a time stamp for each entry.