7000 SERIES INDICATORS EN 105S_S_ _ _ _ _ 129.09_kgS_S_ _ _ _ _ 129.09_kgS_D_ _ _ _ _ 114.87_kg. . . The scale continues to send stable or dynamic weight valuesCommentsThe SIR command is overwritten and cancelled by the commands S, SI, SR, and @.The data output rate is approximately 4 per second.Z – ZEROCommand: ZResponse: Z_A Command performed, meaning the scale was in gross mode, scale was stable and weightwas within the zero capture range.Response: Z_I Command understood, not executable at present.Response: Z_+ Upper limit of zero setting range exceeded.Response: Z_- Lower limit of zero setting range exceeded.CommentsThe calibrated zero point determined during calibration is not influenced by this command.The terminal will wait for up to 3 seconds after receiving an “Z” command for no-motion. If motion does not settlewithin this time, the command is aborted and the Z_I response is sent.@ – RESETCommand: @Response: I4_A_“12345678”12345678 Serial number of the scaleCommentsResets the scale to the condition found after switching on, but without a zero setting being performed.All commands awaiting responses are canceled.The tare register is cleared.The SIR and SR commands are cancelled.The Reset command is always executed except that a Reset command received by the terminal during thecalibration and test procedure cannot be processed.