7000 SERIES INDICATORS EN 41AssignmentOptions for input assignment are: None (default) SICS – S Tare Blank Display SICS – SI Unit Switching Clear Tare SICS – SIR Zero PrintOutputsFor each Discrete Output, menus permit an assignment to be selected from the following options: None (default) Motion Over Capacity Center of Zero Net Under ZeroFunction KeyThe Function Key setup allows selection of the application that will be active when the FUNCTION key is pressed.Only one application can be selected.AssignmentOptions for the assignment of the FUNCTION key are: Disabled (default) Counting Animal Weighing CheckweighingThe next setup branches will vary based on the selection for the FUNCTION key assignment. Depending on theFUNCTION key selection, one of the following applications will be shown. If the FUNCTION key is disabled, noneof the application setup branches will be shown and the next parameter will be the Reset function (refer to page43).For details on the setup, configuration and operation of each of these applications, please refer to Chapter 4,Applications: Configuration and Operation.Auto StartIf the function key has been given an assignment, this parameter determines whether, when the terminal ispowered on, the display will show the application. If Disabled, on startup the terminal will be in basic weighingmode..