EN 56 7000 SERIES INDICATORSThe Calibration Values screen displays the current calibration values for the scale. The number of test loads thatdisplay calibration values is determined by the Linearity Adjustment setting configured for the scale (see Scale >Calibration).These calibration values can be recorded and then manually entered into a new replacement board should a failureever occur, which eliminates having to recalibrate the scale with test weights. While this method is quick, it is not asaccurate as placing test weights on the scale.Use the UP and DOWN navigation keys to select a calibration value to be modified. Use the numeric keypad toenter new values.Press the LEFT navigation key to return to the menu.StatisticsThe Scale Statistics screen displays statistical information for the scale such as weighments (increments each timea transaction is triggered), overloads (increments when the applied load for a single load cell exceeds its overloadcapacity), zero commands (increments each time a zero command is received from an operator or remotely) andthe number of failed zero commands.Use the UP and DOWN navigation keys to view all information and records.Press the LEFT navigation key to return to the menu.Serial TestThe Serial Test screen enables testing of the sending and receiving hardware on the serial ports COM1 andCOM2.PortUse the Port selection box to select the serial port for testing (1 or 2).As soon as the port selection is entered, the test begins. To stop the test, change the port selection back to Noneor press the LEFT navigation key.In the serial test mode, the terminal will transmit a string “Testing COMX nn” out the selected serial port where the"X" is the selected com port number (1 or 2) and “nn” is a sequential two-digit number (00–99). If a jumper is placedbetween the transmit and receive terminals on that port, the same data displays in the receiving field.If another device is connected to the receiving port, any ASCII data received displays in the receiving field.Discrete I/O TestDiscrete I/O Test setup screens include testing for both inputs and outputs.VERY IMPORTANT!: When any of the Discrete I/O Test screens are first accessed, a warning messagedisplays with instructions to remove output control power before proceeding with the test. The Discrete I/O Testscreens enable manual setting of any of the outputs to on or off for testing, so it is necessary to remove outputcontrol power before proceeding.Press the LEFT navigation key to abort and not perform the test.To continue the test:3. Press the ENTER key. A real-time display shows the status of each of the inputs and enables each of theoutputs to be turned on and off. An input or output that displays is turned off. An input or an output thatdisplays is turned on.4. Use the LEFT and RIGHT navigation keys to select an output to turn on or off.5. With an output in focus, press the DOWN navigation key to turn the output off, and press the UP navigation keyto turn the output on.6. Press the ENTER key to return to the menu. The outputs return to their previous on/off configuration before thetests were initiated.Replace Battery