Scanning 2cm5520 2-39Scanning Chapter 22.6 Sending data to a server (Scan to FTP)Scan to FTPThe Scan to FTP operation can be used in a network environment that con-tains an FTP server. The scan data can be sent to a folder specified on anFTP server on the network.This is suitable for transmitting large-sized data, such as high-resolution da-ta.Destinations can be selected using any of the following methods. In addition,the methods can be combined, for example, by selecting a recipient from agroup destination, then adding other destinations through direct input.Transmission may not be possible if limitations have been placed on the doc-ument name according to the destination server conditions. Since the scan-ning settings are used, consult your network administrator when specifyingthe document name.Destinations can be selected for Scan to FTP operations using any of the fol-lowing methods. For details, refer to the corresponding section.!DetailIf a mail server is available in the network environment, the e-mail notifi-cation function can be used to send notifications that job are completed.For details on the e-mail notification function, refer to “URL NotificationSetting” on page 2-93.If a proxy server is available in the network environment, an FTP serveron the Internet can be accessed through the proxy server.For an overview of the Scan to FTP operation, refer to “Sending scan dataas files (FTP)” on page 1-4.Selection method Page referenceSelecting from the address book p. 2-40Entering addresses directly p. 2-42Selecting a group destination p. 2-22Searching for a registered destination p. 2-27