55-4 Setting up the Fiery from a Windows ComputerUse Character Set. —Specify whether the Control Panel and the job management tools should use theMacintosh, DOS, or Windows character set for displaying file names. This isimportant if a file name includes accented or composite characters (such as é or æ). Formixed-platform networks, select the setting that gives the best overall representation ofthe special characters you use.Enable Preview. —Specify whether a preview thumbnail should be displayed in CommandWorkStation and Command WorkStation LE when a job is being processed. If youselect Yes, the preview thumbnail is displayed in the Processing section of the ActivityMonitor.Enable Printing Groups. —Specify whether to enable printer groups for Member Printing. If you enable thisoption, you must use Command WorkStation to define user groups and passwords.Users must then enter their group name into the Group Name option and theirpassword into the Group Password option to print.Support. —Enter names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of contact people at yourorganization who provide support for the C9800. This information is then availablefrom the Support tab.