44-45 Colour Setup optionsIf users create and load custom simulations on the Fiery with ColorWise Pro Tools,these also appear in the list of simulations. A custom simulation can be selected as thedefault simulation. For more information about custom simulations, see theColour Guide.CMYK Simulation MethodQuick/Full (Source GCR)/Full (Output GCR) [Full (Output GCR)]Quick simulation assumes that the printer toners match the printer’s inks, and allchanges affect only one colour (C, M, Y, or K) at a time. Full (Source GCR) simulationallows for more flexibility in matching toner to ink and all changes interact to maintaina better colour balance. Full (Output GCR) offers accurate proofing by providing acolorimetric conversion of all four plates. In this simulation method, the black (K)plate is mixed into the CMY plates, then reseparated based on the Output profile.RGB SeparationOutput/Simulation [Output]This option defines how the Fiery processes RGB jobs. Select Output for RGB jobsthat you print to the final output device. Select Simulation to simulate an outputdevice that is not the device to which you are printing.Use Media-Defined ProfilesYes/No [Yes]Specify whether to use the Media-Defined Profiles feature. Setting this option to Yesallows the Fiery to select an Output Profile according to a media type specified for thejob. It also allows multiple output profiles to be applied to a Mixed Media job accord-ing to specified media types. Setting this option to No disables the feature, and a pro-file selected in the Output Profile option or in the ColorWise Pro Tools becomes theFiery default Output Profile.Output ProfileDefault profileSpecify the default output profile to use for printing. Additional profiles can be createdand downloaded to the Fiery with ColorWise Pro Tools.