44-41 PCL Setup optionsAllow Courier SubstitutionYes/No [Yes]Specify whether to substitute Courier for fonts that are unavailable when you down-load files to the Fiery, or when you print a document for which you do not have thecorresponding printer font. If this option is set to No, jobs with fonts that are unavail-able on the Fiery hard disk generate a PostScript error and do not print. This settingdoes not apply to PDF files; font substitution occurs automatically in PDF files.Print Cover PageYes/No [No]Specify whether the Fiery prints a cover page (job summary) at the end of each printjob. If you select Yes, each print job is followed by a page containing the name of theuser who sent the job, the document name, the server name, the time the job wasprinted, the number of pages printed, and the status of the job. If a PostScript erroroccurs and the Print to PS Error option is set to Yes, the cover page lists the PostScripterror message instead of the job status.Save ChangesYes/No [Yes]Select Yes to activate any changes made in PS Setup; select No to return to the mainSetup menu without making any changes.PCL Setup optionsPCL Setup allows you to set defaults to control printer output. These defaults can beoverridden by the user from within an application, but they determine how a job willbe printed in the absence of other information.N OTE : PCL printing is supported for Windows computers only. Mac OS computersmust use the PostScript driver.T O ACCESS PCL SETUP OPTIONS1. In the main Setup menu, choose PCL Setup.2. Enter the options appropriate to the printing requirements at the site.3. When you have finished, save changes.