Y O U R A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N F O M A N A G E M E N T T O O L S1689C H A P T E RIn the Alert dialog box, you can do any ofthe following:• Check the box next to the alert toremove it from the list.• Select the alert to open thecorresponding application and view thealert item (message, event, missed call,and so on).• Select Done to close the Alert dialogbox. The alert remains active and thebell continues to blink in the upper-leftcorner of the screen.• Select Clear All to delete all alerts inthe Alert dialog box.CalculatorCalculator includes a basic calculator, plusan advanced calculator with scientific,financial, and conversion functions.Switching between Basic and AdvancedCalculator Modes1 Press Applications and select Calc.2 Press Menu .3 Select Options, and then selectAdvanced Mode or Basic Mode.TIP In Basic Mode, you can also press Righton the 5-way to switch to Advanced Mode. InAdvanced Mode, press Right on the 5-way tocycle between functions, and press Left onthe 5-way to return to Basic Mode.DID YOU KNOW? You can tap the onscreennumber pad or use the keyboard to inputnumbers.