M O V I N G A R O U N D O N Y O U R P A L M ® T R E O ™ 6 8 0 S M A R T P H O N E272C H A P T E RMoving around thescreenTo move around the Treo 680 screen, youcan use the 5-way navigator forone-handed navigation, or you can tapitems on the screen with the stylus. Withuse, you will find your own favorite way toscroll, highlight, and select menu items. The 5-way includes the following buttons:TIP Some third-party applications may notwork with the 5-way navigator, and you mustuse the stylus insteadDID YOU KNOW? In this guide, we use arrowicons to indicate directions on the 5-way.These are different from any onscreen arrowsthat you tap with your stylus or select with the5-way to display pick lists.UpRightLeftDownCenter