Y O U R P E R S O N A L S E T T I N G S20610C H A P T E REntering owner informationYou can use Owner Preferences to recordinformation that you want to associate withyour Treo 680, such as your name,company name, and home phone number.If you lock your Treo (see Locking yourTreo), the Owner Preferences informationappears on the screen that requests yourpassword to unlock it, and you must alsoenter your password to change the OwnerPreferences information.1 Press Applications and selectPrefs .2 Select Owner.3 If you assigned a password with theSecurity application, select Unlock,enter your password, and then selectOK to continue.4 Enter the text that you want to appear inthe Owner Preferences screen.5 Select Done.System settingsSetting the date and timeDate & Time Preferences enable you tomanually set the date, time, and location(time zone) setting for your smartphone.You can also set your Treo to synchronizethe date, time, and time zone with yourwireless service provider network whenyour phone is on, you are inside a coveragearea, and the date, time, and time zone areavailable from the network.1 Press Applications and selectPrefs .2 Select Date & Time.