Y O U R P H O N E693C H A P T E R3 Do one of the following:To send all calls to your hands-freedevice: Check the Always route callsto handsfree box. Select the Autoanswer pick list and select whether youwant your hands-free device toautomatically answer incoming calls andhow quickly it answers.To choose between the earpiece onyour Treo and your hands-free deviceon a call-by-call basis: Uncheck theAlways route calls to handsfree box.When the phone rings, you can answerthe call with your hands-free device bypressing the multifunction button onyour hands-free device, or you cananswer the call with the earpiece onyour Treo by using the controls on yoursmartphone (see Receiving calls).4 Select Done.Customizing phonesettingsSelecting ringtonesYou can set various tones for various typesof incoming calls.1 Press Phone .2 Press Menu .3 Select Options, and then select SoundPreferences.4 Select the Application pick list andselect Ring Tones.DID YOU KNOW? You can download anycompatible ringtone directly to yoursmartphone (see Downloading files from aweb page). You can also download ringtonesto your computer and then email them to yoursmartphone.