Y O U R P H O N E753C H A P T E RYour Treo 680 is compatible with selectTTY devices. You can connect a TTY/TDDmachine to your smartphone through theheadset jack, but you cannot use yourheadset jack with a headset while thismode is enabled. Please check with themanufacturer of your TTY device forconnectivity information and to ensure thatthe TTY device supports digital wirelesstransmission.To use TTY, you may need to makeadditional arrangements with your wirelessservice provider. Please contact yourwireless service provider’s customerservice department for more information.1 Press Phone .2 Select the Dial Pad tab.3 Enter #*TTY.4 Press Send .5 When a message appears indicatingthat TTY is enabled, select OK. Todisable TTY, repeat these steps.What are all thoseicons?You can monitor the status of several itemsusing icons in the title bar in the Phoneapplication:TIP A red T appears at the top of the Phonescreen to indicate that TTY is enabled.