C O M M O N Q U E S T I O N S23611C H A P T E R• Keep the subject of the picture still.Exposure time is longer with lower lightlevels, so you may see a blur.• For best results, verify that you have thebrightest light source coming frombehind you, lighting the subject’s face.Avoid taking indoor pictures with thesubject in front of a window or light.• Make sure the subject is at least 18inches away from the camera to ensuregood focus.Remember that when you synchronizeyour smartphone with your computer, yourcamera images are stored in the MyPictures/Palm Photos folder on your harddrive (see Viewing pictures and videos onyour computer).Making room on yourTreoKeep in mind that your Treo 680 includesan expansion card slot, and that you canstore applications and information onexpansion cards (sold separately).However, you still need free memory onthe Treo 680 itself to run applications froman expansion card. For more info on usingexpansion cards, see Using expansioncards.If you store a large number of records orinstall many third-party applications, theinternal memory on your smartphone mayfill up. Here are some common ways toclear space:Email: Messages that have largeattachments can quickly consume memoryon your Treo. Delete messages with largeattachments. If you have hundreds ofmessages with or without attachments,you may want to delete older messages tomake room (see the User Guide for theVersaMail Application on your computer).Windows: Start>Programs>PalmMac: Insert the Palm Installation CDand click the link to the User Guide forthe VersaMail Application in theDocumentation folder.Pictures & Videos: Large images take up alot of memory. Move images to anexpansion card or synchronize them to yourcomputer, and then delete the images