S E T T I N G U P231C H A P T E RSynchronizinginformation—thebasicsSynchronizing means that info you enter orchange in one place (your smartphone oryour computer) is automatically entered orchanged in the other; so there’s no need toenter the info twice. We stronglyrecommend that you sync yoursmartphone with your computer orcorporate server frequently to keep yourinfo up-to-date (and backed up) inboth locations.The info from all the following applicationsis updated by default each time you syncyour smartphone with your desktopsoftware:How each application syncs depends onyour computer type and the desktopsoftware you are using, as follows:0Computer type Desktop software What syncs and whereWindows Microsoft Outlook • Calendar, Contacts, Memos, andTasks sync with Outlook• Pictures & Videos syncs withPalm DesktopWindows Palm Desktop All apps sync with Palm DesktopMac Palm Desktop All apps sync with Palm Desktop