8The CLOCK SET value is recorded in thecontents (clip). Before carrying out recording, besure to check and set CLOCK SET and TIMEZONE.This shows you how to adjust the calendarto 17:0 on 5 December, 010.1 Set the camera’s POWER/Mode selectorswitch to ON. (Page 25)2 Press the MENU button.Menu operation (Page 75)3 Select the TIME ZONE item on the settingsmenu OTHER FUNCTIONS screen, andpush the Operation lever (or tilt lever indirection).TIME ZONEREC LAMPCLOCK SETTIME ZONE +00:00SYSTEM FREQSYSTEM INFO4 Pushing the Operation lever twice bringsup the setting screen. Tilt the Operationlever in the directions to set the timedifference from Greenwich Mean Time,and push the Operation lever again.Factory default setting is +00:00.TIME ZONE+00:00TIME ZONE•Setting the calendar5 Tilt the Operation lever in the directionand select YES in the CLOCK SET itemon the settings menu OTHER FUNCTIONSscreen.CLOCK SETREC LAMPTIME ZONESYSTEM INFOCLOCK SET YESNOSYSTEM FREQ6 Tilt the Operation lever in thedirections and set to DEC.CLOCK SETD E C 1 3 2 3 0 12 0 1 07 Tilt the Operation lever to the directionto change to the next item, and set to 25 bytilting in the directions.CLOCK SETD E C 2 5 2 3 0 12 0 1 08 Repeat steps 6 and 7 to set the remainingitems.CLOCK SETD E C 2 5 1 7 2 02 0 1 0The date can be set to any date between1 January, 001 and 31 December, 039.Time is displayed in 4-hour format.••