Shooting51Uploading the metadata (METADATA)You can perform any of the following operations.If necessary, make preparations prior toundertaking the operations.Loading the metadataLoad the metadata recorded on the left-channelSD Memory Card. (For details on contents ofthe metadata, see the previous page.)Selecting whether to record the metadata onthe SD Memory CardsInitializing the metadata inside the unitDisplaying the metadata inside the unit1 Press the mode button and selectCAMERA mode.2 Press the MENU button.Menu operation (Page 75)3 Tilt the lever in the directions to selectMETA DATA, and push the Operation lever(or tilt in the direction).CAM MENU 2/2DISPLAY SETUPCARD FUNCTIONSMETA DATAOTHER FUNCTIONS4 Tilt the Operation lever in thedirections to select item, and push theOperation lever.META DATA 1/2CARD READ NORECORD OFFUSER CLIP NAME TYPE1META DATA PROP NOCLIP COUNT RESET NO••CARD READ:Read metadata set to the SD Memory Cardwith the camera.Move to LOAD, push the Operation lever,select whether or not to read the metadata(YES/NO), and push the Operation leveragain.Up to 10 items of metadata on the SDMemory Card can be displayed, startingfrom the most recent date of production.If characters other than single-bytealphanumeric characters are used in themetadata file name to be loaded, theyare displayed as “∗”.RECORD:Select this to set whether to record themetadata to be loaded into the unitsimultaneously on the SD Memory Cards.Select ON to record the metadata or OFF tocancel the recording, and push the Operationlever.The factory setting for this mode is OFF.USER CLIP NAME:The USER CLIP NAME recording methodis selectable. (For details: Page 5)CLIP COUNT RESET:Reset the counter value to 1.Select whether or not to reset (YES/NO),and push the Operation lever.META DATA PROP:Select this to display the metadata whichhas been recorded in the unit.META INITIAL SET:Select this to initialize the metadata whichhas been recorded in the unit.Select YES to initialize the metadata or NOto cancel the initialization, and push theOperation lever.5 Press the MENU button to release themenu mode.��