50You can add the video and audio systems, nameof the videographer, shooting location, textmemos and other information to the video datayou have recorded on the SD Memory Cards.This data is called the clip metadata.(Display method: Page 63)There are two kinds of clip metadata: the datathat is recorded automatically during shooting,and the data in the metadata upload file createdon the SD Memory Card which is loaded in theunit.(Loading method: Page 51)Metadata can be produced with AVCCAMViewer. (Page 91)When producing metadata using AVCCAMViewer, be sure to format SD Memory Cardswith this product and record the metadata onthe left-channel SD Memory Card.What the clip metadata consists ofYou can set the items underlined belowby loading the metadata upload file on theSD Memory Card. All other items are setautomatically during shooting.GLOBAL CLIP ID:This indicates the global clip ID that shows theshooting status of the clip.USER CLIP NAME:This indicates the name of the clip that theuser has set.*1VIDEO & AUDIO:This indicates the recorded image’s FRAMERATE, RESOLUTION, PULL DOWN*4 systemand AUDIO.ACCESS:This indicates the CREATOR (name ofthe person recording), CREATION DATE(recording date), LAST UPDATE DATE (dateon which the data was last updated) andLAST UPDATE PERSON (the person who lastupdated the data).DEVICE:This indicates the MANUFACTURER(manufacturer of the equipment), SERIAL NO.(serial number of the equipment) and MODELNAME (equipment model name: AG-3DA1).SHOOT:This indicates the SHOOTER (name of the•videographer) and the PLACE NAME (name oflocation).LOCATION:*4This indicates ALTITUDE, LONGITUDE,LATITUDE, and SOURCE (altitude, longitude,latitude, information source).SCENARIO:*2This indicates the PROGRAM NAME, SCENENO. and TAKE NO.NEWS 1:This indicates the REPORTER (name of thereporter) and PURPOSE (purpose of datacollection).NEWS 2:This indicates the OBJECT (target of datacollection).MEMO:*3This indicates the PERSON (name of theperson who recorded the text memo) andTEXT (contents of memo).*1 If there is no information in the metadataupload file, consecutive five-digit numbers willbe applied to the clips in the order that theywere recorded, with the first clip to be recordedbeing given the number 0. The USER CLIPNAME recording method is selectable. (Page51)*2 When SCENARIO is to be input, you mustinput the PROGRAM NAME. You cannot inputthe SCENE NO. and TAKE NO. only.*3 When MEMO is to be input, you must inputTEXT. You cannot input PERSON only.*4 This information is not recorded with this unit.Only printable ASCII characters can bedisplayed by this unit.Due to the limitations imposed by this uniton the number of characters which can bedisplayed, not all the data can be displayed.(This does not mean that the data which isnot displayed has been deleted.) Use anAVCCAM viewer or other program to checkall the data.••Clip metadata