1208-6-6 TC/UBThe ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates the presetmode.Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksTC MODE DFNDFSet the time code mode.DF: Drop frame.NDF: Non drop frame.Regardless of the setting of this option, theAJ-SPX800P always operates in non-drop-frame for 24P and 24PA modes.– C U F –UB MODE USERTIMEDATEEXTTCGFRM RATEREGENSelect the user bits mode.USER:Select UB value set in the LCDsection.TIME: Select local time (hours, minutes,seconds).DATE: Select local date and time (2 lastdigits of year, month, date, time).EXT: When “CAM” or “VIDEO” is selectedin the menu option REC SIGNAL inthe SYSTEM MODE screen, user’sbit input to the TC IN connector is thereference.When “1394” is selected, user’s bitinput to the DVCPRO/DV connectoris the reference.If reading fails, USER value isretained.TCG: TCG value enters UB.FRM RATE:Select same camera shotinginformation (frame rate, etc.) with theVAUX UB (VITC UB).REGEN :Read out value stored in the cardand record value continuously.– C U F –VITC UB MODE USER/EXTTIMEDATETCGFRM RATEREGENSelect the user bits mode for VAUX TC(VITC).USER/EXT:If UB MODE is set to EXT, the EXTvalue is recorded. If not, USER valueset by UB is recorded.TIME: Select local time (hours, minutes,seconds).DATE: Select local date and time (2 lastdigits of year, month, date, time).TCG: TCG value enters UB.FRM RATE:Select same camera shotinginformation (frame rate, etc.) with theVAUX UB (VITC UB).REGEN :Read out value stored in card andrecord value continuously.The AJ-SPX800P always operates in FRMRATE for 24P and 24PA modes. For moreinformation, refer to the 24P VITC UB items.The menu option 24P VITC UB is found inthe OPTION screen on the OPTION MENUpage.– C U F –TCG SET HOLD ONOFFON/OFF switching for the feature thatalways starts recording (when the power isturned ON again) the TCG value that wasset before the power is turned OFF.– C U F –Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksFIRST REC TC REGENPRESETFor the first recording after the power isturned on, a P2 card is inserted and thenswitching from this P2 card to anotherrecording-target P2 card is performed,select whether or not to regenerate the timecode as the value on the new P2 card.REGEN: For clips recorded on the recording-target P2 card, regenerate the timecode as the time code of the clip thathas the most recent date and time.PRESET:Use the camera-recorder’s internal timecode.z Set the date and time accurately. Forguidance on setting, see [4-5-2 Settingthe Internal Clock’s Date and Time].z During operation in either 24P or 24PAmode, regeneration of the value of thecard recorded in drop-frame is notpermitted.– C U F –P.OFF LCDDISPLAYONOFFSelect whether or not to display the timecode setting and counter indication on theLCD monitor when the power is turned OFF.ON: Display setting and indication while thepower is turned OFF.OFF: Power-down LCD monitor whilecamera power is turned OFF. Settingand indication disabled.– C U F –TC OUT TCGTCG/TCRSelect the time code to be output to the timecode output connector.TCG:Always output time code generatorvalue.TCG/TCR:Display time code generator value inE-E mode, and time code reader valuein V-V mode.– C U F –TC DISP SEL 30F24FSelect the display format for the time codeframe digits.30F: Display time code frame digits in 30frames.24F: Convert time code frame digits into 24frames for display.– C U F –ᤨࠫ