154VQT1G66OthersOutside of the effective range of automatic whitebalance adjustment, the image will becomereddish or bluish. Even within the effective rangeof automatic white balance adjustment, theautomatic white balance adjustment may notfunction properly if there is more than one lightsource. For light outside the functional automaticwhite balance adjustment range, use the manualwhite balance adjustment mode.White balanceThe images recorded by the unit may becomebluish or reddish under the influence of certainlight sources. To avoid such phenomena, adjustthe white balance.White balance adjustment determines the whitecolour under different light sources. Byrecognising which is the white colour undersunlight and which is the white colour under afluorescent light, the unit can adjust the balanceamong the other colours.Since the white colour is the reference for all thecolours (that make up light), the unit can recordpictures in a natural hue if it can recognise thereference colour white.Auto focusThe lens is moved forward or backwardautomatically to bring the subject into focus.Auto focus has the following characteristics.≥ Adjusts so that the vertical lines of asubject are seen more clearly.≥ Attempts to bring an object with highercontrast into focus.≥ Focuses on the screen centre only.Due to these characteristics, auto focus does notwork correctly in the following situations. Recordpictures in the manual focus mode.≥ Recording distant and close-up objects atthe same timeSince the unit focuses on whatever is at thecentre of the screen, it is difficult to bring thebackground into focus when close-up objects areplaced in focus. When recording people withdistant mountains in the background, you cannotfocus on both the subject which is close-up andthe objects which are in the distance.≥ Recording a subject behind dirty or dustywindowThe subject behind the window will not befocused because the focus is on the dirtywindow.Similarly, when recording something on theopposite side of a road with heavy traffic, avehicle that happens to pass by may be broughtinto focus.≥ Recording a subject that is surrounded byobjects with glossy surfaces or by highlyreflective objectsSince whatever is shiny or glistens is brought intofocus, it is hard to focus on the subject to berecorded. The focus may become blurry whenrecording subjects at the seashore, in nightviews or in scenes involving fireworks or speciallights.≥ Recording a subject in dark surroundingsThe unit cannot focus correctly because the lightinformation that comes through the lensdecreases considerably.≥ Recording a fast-moving subjectAs the focus lens-inside moves mechanically, itcannot keep up with a fast-moving subject.When, for example, recording a sports event withfast moving subjects, the focus may lose itssharpness.≥ Recording a subject with little contrastIt is easy to bring subjects with a sharp contrastor vertical lines or stripes into focus. This meansthat a subject with little contrast, such as a whitewall, may become blurry because the unitachieves focus based upon the vertical lines ofan image.