Settings30 KW2M-A/X User's Manual5.4.2 Settings for communication (RS485)ProtocolSelect serial communication protocol for main unit (RS485).*When you change the protocol setting, the settings for device number, transmission speed (baud rate),transmission format, stop bit and response time will be initialized.M - 1 C O M R S 4 8 5P r o t o c o lM E W T O C O LPress - >>, ∧> to select.[Set list]MEWTOCOL, MODBUS(RTU) (initial: MEWTOCOL)Device numberSet an individual device number for each unit when two or more units are connected tocommunicate via serial communication (RS485).M - 1 C O M R S 4 8 5N o9 9Press
- >>, ∧> to set a value.The setting range differs according to the protocol.[Set range] MEWTOCOL: 1 to 99MODBUS(RTU): 1 to 247IncreaseDecreaseTransmission speed (Baud rate)Select the transmission speed for RS485 communication.Both the KW2MA and the communication partner (PLC etc.) must use the same setting.M - 1 C O M R S 4 8 5S p e e d3 8 4 0 0 b p sPress
- >>, ∧> to select a transmissionspeed.[Set list]2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 [bps](initial: 19200)SHIFT>ITEM>