SettingsKW2M-A/X User's Manual 31Transmission formatSelect the transmission format (data length, parity) for RS485 communication.Both the KW2MA and the communication partner (PLC etc.) must use the same setting.M - 1 C O M R S 4 8 5F o r m a t8 b i t - oPress - >>, T/∧> to select.[Set list]8b-o (8 bit odd), 8b-n (8 bit none), 8b-E (8 bit even)(initial: 8b-o)Stop bitSelect the stop bit for RS485 communication.M - 1 C O M R S 4 8 5S t o p b i t1 b i tPress
- >>, ∧> to select.[Set list] 1, 2 (initial: 1)Response timeSet the response time of the main unit for RS485 communication.When a command is received, the response is sent after the set response time has passed.M - 1 C O M R S 4 8 5R e s p o n s e T i m e5 m sPress
- >>, ∧> to set.[Set range] 1 to 99ms (initial: 5)IncreaseDecrease* If a Data Logger Unit (DLU) or Data Logger Light (DLL) is used as a master, set the response time to atleast 5ms because DLU or DLL send the response after max. 1.1ms after receiving a command whenthe transmission speed is set to 19200bps.SHIFT>ITEM>