Miscellaneous functions54 KW2M-A/X User's Manual6.4 Demand functionYou can select one of the demand calculation methods from the list below.・According to IEC61557-121. Sliding block interval demand2. Fixed block interval demand3. Current demandThe simple demand function calculates an estimate. The value is not guaranteed.CautionDefinition of Demand: Demand is the max. power drawn from the power grid within a certaininterval (usually 15 or 30 minutes).6.4.1 Block interval demandThe device calculates the demand for the interval you have set and displays it. The interval can be asliding block or a fixed block. The device outputs a demand alarm when the conditions you have set areTRUE.Sliding blockThe interval can be set from 1 to 60 (min.) in 1-minute increments (the increment is defined in “powerdemand interval 2”). The device calculates the demand during the latest finished interval and displaysthe value.Ex.) Power demand interval: 15 min. Power demand interval 2: 1 min.15 min. intervalCalculate demand during the 4thto 19th minute0 1 2 3 4 ・・・ ・・・ 15 16 17 18 19 [min.]Fixed blockThe interval can be set from 1 to 60 (min.) The device calculates the demand during the latest finishedinterval and displays the value. After one interval finishes, the next interval starts.Calculate demandduring from minute 0 to15Calculate demand during15 to 30 min.15-min. interval 15-min. interval0 15 30 [min.]