3. Telephone473.11 Caller ID number autoedit featureOnce you call back an edited number, this unitcan automatically edit incoming phone numbersfrom the same area code each time you receivea call. For example, it can ignore the area code ofcalls originating from your area code, so that youcan call these numbers using caller informationwithout dialing the area code.To activate this feature, you must edit a callerinformation by selecting pattern 1, 2 or 3(page 45, 46), then make a call to that number.After that, calls from numbers in that area codewill be edited automatically. The handset andbase unit can remember up to 4 area codes eachto be edited according to patterns 1 and 2.When more than 5 area codes are edited, olderarea codes are reset to pattern 3. Phonenumbers from the 4 most recently edited areacodes will be automatically edited.This feature can be turned ON using either thehandset or the base unit. The default setting isON.3.11.1 Turning ON the Caller IDnumber auto edit feature(Handset)L Keep the front cover page open for buttonlocations.Make sure the handset is not being used.1 Press {MENU}.2 Press {0}{4}.3 Press {1} to select “On”.L Press {0} to select “Off”.4 Press {SAVE} (soft key).5 Press {OFF}.3.11.2 Turning ON the Caller IDnumber auto edit feature (Baseunit)1 Press {MENU}.2 Press {#}, then {7}{5}.3 Press {1} to select “ON”.L Press {2} to select “OFF”.4 Press {SET}.5 Press {MENU}.Note:L If you fail to reach your destination whenmaking a call, the phone number you dialedmight have an incorrect pattern. Edit thephone number with another pattern (page 45,46).L When this feature is set to OFF the unit willstill be able to display Caller ID, but incomingCaller ID numbers will not be automaticallyedited.L If you move to another area, you may need toturn this feature OFF to erase the previouslyedited area codes. To use this feature again,turn it ON and reprogram the area codes youwant to be edited once again.